
  • I rent a kayak / participate in activities at Risholmbukt AS at my own risk. 
  • I am responsible for having sufficient health and physical fitness to complete a paddle trip / activity, and am healthy and have no symptoms of COVID-19. 
  • I have read through the safety rules and will follow them. I confirm that I have received a life jacket and confirm that I wear it during the paddle trip. 
  • The organizer / landlord is not responsible for sudden weather changes. 
  • Read through before you go on a kayak trip! Safety rules for renting a kayak at Risholmbukt AS Plan your trip in advance. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the area you are going to paddle in. 
  • Check the weather forecast and plan your trip accordingly. 
  • Always wear a life jacket when paddling. 
  • Dress according to the water temperature, not the air temperature. 
  • Do not drink alcohol during or before the trip. 
  • The rudder or lower keel of a kayak is vulnerable and exposed. Pull up the rudder / lower keel before going ashore and where it is shallow. This is to prevent the rudder / keel from incurring damage. 
  • Respect animal and bird life where you are and do not come near nests or settlements. 
  • Always tell someone where you are paddling and when you expect to be home.
  • It can be tempting to paddle across fjords and cross long straits. This requires good skills in both paddling and self-rescue. 
  • Open stretches are more exposed to wind and currents, and there can be much more waves than there appear to be from land. 
  • Those who do not have good paddling skills and skills to save themselves, as well as necessary equipment such as bilge pump, must stay close to land. If you are going on a multi-day trip, prepare and plan what to take with you. 
  • Pay attention to changing weather conditions and bring dry clothes. Bring a tent and inquire locally about possible accommodation. 
  • Distribute the weight evenly over the kayak. Follow the rules that apply in nature and take no more than wonderful memories with you